Amazing customer service, cant do enough to help, and when ive left it too last minute they go above and beyond to put a rush on for me to get my leaflet in time. Ive ordered many times and will continue to, next on my list is clothing with my logo on and I already cant wait to see how wonderful I know itll be. Thanks for the great service guys
Author And Photographer - Daisy Rumble Sunday, September 17, 2023
Absolutely delighted with the service. Wednesday AM, I made the purchase for flyers. Friday AM, I have signed the flyer design off to be printed. The communication has been very fast, a very helpful team when looking at design ideas. Very highly recommended.
Tony @ The KSA Group Friday, February 2, 2024
Ref the online signature screen on the booking system, I find this makes life so much easier. I get the customer to accept and sign the terms and conditions upon booking, then have a reminder email set up to send them a link to the agreement form on my terms and conditions page a couple of days before the hire. I then have a copy via email which I can print, and the signature on the booking details. (I do also have pads....just in case)
Brian Paetzold Monday, April 19, 2021
I have had my site a number of years amy issues team are on hand to fix or adapt website. Been very helpful for me over the years and my worked increased massively since I got my. Website
John Deeney Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Great service contacted late Saturday and they got everything I needed to me by Monday morning. Very friendly and understanding. Your work is amazing
Mark Russell Monday, March 7, 2022